1st Mail Bomber 9.41
Professional mass mailer, bulk mailer for fast sending personalized emails and mailing list management, email-based subscription on web…
Rainbow 2.5
Thanks to an original mixture of FM, AM, additive and substractive synthesis, Rainbow is able to produce a wide assortment of sounds, from…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Form tool software

New Year Animated Cursors 1.0c
A collection of holiday New Year Animated Cursors for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. There are 42 cursors in the set. The cursors are…
Mobile Converter 1.02
Mobile Converter is a Web to WAP conversion and validation plug-in for your Web-server, that enables an online conversion of your web…
Appointments 1.0
If you don't want to forget events and don't want to write down your appointments on paper in the age of the computer then this…

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