McCamey Birth Parents 2.7.40
Get access to the McCamey birth parents records now! It's easy to find someone's birth records, just enter the name and click search. We…
QRav 2.00
QRav makes it easy to backup and restore important e-mail, My Documents, Internet Explorer favorites, and personal folders. QRav supports…
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Home > Vectorisation software

DirPrinting 0.8.55
DirPrinting is a simple program for viewing at and printing directories contents. It offers a drive/directory window and a file list, which…
Task Plus Professional 4.3.0
Task Plus Professional is a powerful multi-user scheduling calendar handling up to 100 simultaneous users on a local area network. A color…
RasterVect 8.0
Vectorizer. Transforms raster images into a vector format. Raster drawing can be imported by scanning original paper drawings. The target…

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