RasterVect 8.2
Vectorizer. Transforms raster images into a vector format. Raster drawing can be imported by scanning original paper drawings. The target…
PC Optimizer 1.00
Fix PC problems and prevent them from happening again. Comes with PRIVACY System Cleaner and Optimizer, System Files backup and…
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Home > Rates software

My Time Wizard 1.0
If you use MyTimeWizard your computer clock will permanently stay in sync with an atomic clock. The atomic clocks are the base for most…
Matego 1.32
Like in chess or checkers, in Matego you also fight against an hostile army. But this time your soldiers are numbers, your weapons all four…
Ulead DVD MovieFactory 2
Ulead® DVD MovieFactory™ 2 provides the easiest way to burn home movies onto DVD or CD. Produce professional-style DVDs to play on your…

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