Harddisk Search and Stats 2.2
Freeware file and disk search engine. Searches folders recursively (optional), can use multiple search-phrases, filter search using file…
MyViewPad 2.5
MyViewpad is a new image viewer that can be used both as a stand alone application and as a Total Commander plugin.
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Home > Rs232 terminal software

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Home > Rs232 terminal software

1-st Virtual Promotional Clock 2.3
3D animated desktop clock comes in 80 different models. Clocks may be customized and used as promotional gifts. Humorous animations and…
International Computer Business Management Course 3.00
No special skills are required to participate in this Course, and the student can be a novice at using a computer. Each student is assigned…
ASP - IIS real-time monitor and log 2.60
IISTracer is a real-time monitoring tool for Microsoft IIS scripts (.asp, .cgi,..), static files (.htm,.gif,..) and downloads…

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