PageFocus Pro 6.71
A features-rich and versatile application for creating drawing, form, document, PDF generation, and form-based applications. The package…
ApexDiet 1.0
ApexDiet makes it easy to lose weight. Simply enter your current and target weight, tell ApexDiet what percent of the weight you'd like to…
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Sentry 4.09
Password protection for Windows. Sentry prevents unauthorized users from accessing Windows 95/98. Think of Sentry as a personal guard or…
Maverick Launch Centre 2.1.004
A powerful and flexible launcher combining ease of use with a myriad of features including an alarm clock, a hex file viewer, an advanced…
JavaScript Wave Text Effect 1.0
Displays wavy text on web pages. It is very easy to be added to your own pages by clicking the mouse to copy and paste some codes.

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