uCertify PrepKit for Microsoft exam 70-175 6.09.05
Get one test free with this PrepKit!. Prepare for Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0…
jViewer 1.3.4
jViewer is RANWare's highly popular image viewer/browser/slideshow manager! This single program allows you to do most of your image func…
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Home > Form tool software

1st Shareware Submitter 2.0
1st Shareware Submitter is a semiautomatic submitter. This means that you can see and control every step of the submission process…
Automatically Schedule Your Employees to Multiple Daily Shifts with Excel 6.1
Program automatically assigns 50 people to 10 shifts for a month in response to your scheduling needs and their preferences. Creates…
e-Spades 9.0
Play online comparative Spades in both social and tournament rooms. Improve your game and win money prizes.

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