Sports Bet Calculator 4.2
A program to quickly calculate amounts to bet on sporting events given the starting prices. i.e. Cricket, Tennis, Races.
SecurDesk! LV 5.32
An ideal desktop replacement for those who need to prevent Windows or users from rearranging the desktop, for those who wish to create…
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Home > 642 103 test questions software

MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics
MZL & Novatech TrafficStatistic shows accumulated bandwidth usage of a network interface like ethernet, DSL or PPP in tray. It generates IP…
Desktop Scout 4.0
Desktop Scout is a computer surveillance program which can be used in the home, school or office to monitor and record every detail of PC…
AVIedit 3.38
Video editor and capture tool for Win9x/NT4/Me, adds 30+ built-in effects (twirl, skew, flower etc.), uses Photoshop-compatible plug…

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