GRL RealHidden 1.0
GRL RealHidden version 1.0 is a software utility that allows you to hide a file physically inside of another file, and then retrieve that…
Lobber Java Game for Mobile Phones 1.0
Lobber is a fun Tic-Tac-Toe-like game. This game is compatible with all mobile phones having color screen and Java.
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Home > External function software

Kundl Birth Records 1.7.07
Complete sources for ALL Public and Vital Records, Kundl birth records search. Get certified copies of state-issued birth certificates from…
Built for Sales 1.0
Designed as a detailed transaction management tool for your daily sales operations. Containing two major components: Sales and Customer…
Parallaxis Big Desktop Clock 4.6
Download this big desktop clock for visually impaired people, a good replacement for original tiny Windows system clock. This clock…

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