Eagle Has Landed 1
Slide show screen saver featuring photographs of American bald eagles.
Melody Assistant 7.1.9
Melody Assistant is a powerful score editor with digital audio The list of features in this program is so large that it canno…
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Home > Developement tool software

Inbox Cleaner 1.0.3
InboxCleaner is a small utility that connects to your POP mailbox and verifies your e-mail messages. Mail messages that are identified as…
SDE for NetBeans (PE) for Linux 3.1 Professional Edition
SDE for NetBeans is a UML tool tightly integrated with NetBeans. You can draw UML diagrams in NetBeans, generate Java code, reverse…
CD Trustee 2.06
Automatically catalogs your music collection, just by inserting your CDs into your computer. Gathers artist, album, song titles and more…

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