PDF Maker Pilot 1.26
With PDF Maker Pilot, you can create PDF files that can be filled with Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can save PDF forms, including password…
SoftFirework Screensaver 1.2
This is a festive firework simulator screen saver with many options and features. This software increase your mood. Let festival always…
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Home > Floppy disk data recovery software

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Home > Floppy disk data recovery software

DFIncBackup 1.22
DFIncBackup is the personal backup program that lets you incrementally backup files to zip archives. Scheduler. Archive manager. Saving to…
Boomer 5.0
Convert video: GIF, JPG, AVI, BMP, and PNG to FLASH MX. Convert audio: MP3 or WAV to FLASH MX. Create FLASH MX Web Buttons, Logos, Banner…
WinDriver Ghost 2.02
Backup, restore, remove, install and update all device drivers on your system.

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