Winnow Application Manager 1.0
Monitor the programs which run automatically during Windows startup and optionally remove Monitor all applications which are running…
JNIWrapper 3.1
JNIWrapper eliminates difficulties in working with the native code from Java programs using standard JNI approach. With JNIWrapper there is…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Vb software

Butterflies Screensaver 1.2
This screensaver shows beautifuls and colorfuls images of Butterflies and Moths. These a tiny creationes simply splendid. The screen saver…
Magic Swf2Gif 1.20
Magic Swf2Gif is a powerful utility that uniquely supports to convert Macromedia Flash SWF to animated GIF. With Magic Swf2Gif, a gif file…
2Morrow Web Server Monitor 1.2
This easy-to-use program monitors critical systems on your web servers and diagnoses problems in real time. Some of the critical areas inc…

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