GCN 2.8.1
GCN is the ultimate communication tool - it's free, with high quality video, voice, chat, games, media player, built in browser, message…
DayView 1
The Day View OCX is a list of items or appointments for a day which is like the Microsoft Outlook Day View displayed in the calendar.
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MyWebServer URL Resolver 1.0.0
The MyWebServer URL Resolver program allows you to place shortcuts to web pages into your web site. This means that you don't need to know…
Jpeg Enhancer 1.6
An advanced application that lets you remove the artifacts and a blotchy look from your images, making them look as if saved with a 100%…
RaVeN Mixer
RaVeN Mixer is convenient instrument for control sound on you computer. Mixer features: Raven Mixer allow use hot keys for control sound…

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