CrossWord 2.0
This program is designed to compile and solve crossword puzzles and nonograms (Japanese puzzles). It consists of three main units: the…
Gsoftpad 2.1
Gsoftpad is multi languages, multi OS software for create, valid and edit PAD file. PAD stands for Portable Application Description.
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Iff software

Badger 2.0
Badger is a downloading robot that fetches (retrying as need be) multiple files for you while you can browse. It won't spy on you or…
Noah's Ark Screen Saver 3.0
This screen saver combines a cute animation of Noah's Ark rocking on the water with 40 different wildlife sounds.
CryptoForm FM Lite 1.1
CryptoForm FM Professional is a simple to use security solution that encrypts data entered through a web site. Excellent for collecting…

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