SourceGrid is a basic .NET grid control. It allows simple data to be displayed without relying on XML. Useful for simple apps, it lacks…
Sympathy Crossword Construction 3.0
Sympathy helps you create professional quality crosswords for publication in print form or on the web. Its comprehensive construction…
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Home > 642 801 ccnp software

MYRIAD allows you to share and view all your project files safely and securely, both online and on the desktop. It is used in engineering…
Regular Expression Component Library for VC7.1 3.1
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions in non-managed C+ code. Supports both MFC and non-MFC programming…
Any DWG to DWF Converter 2005.01.1.1
DWG to DWF Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to DWF, DXF to DWF without the need of AutoCAD.

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