2d CAD Image 5
CAD Image Revolution in custom CAD development! Incredible speed and accuracy of DXF, DWG, HPGL, SVG, CGM files visualization. Ideal f…
EZY Retriever 1.138
EZY Retriever is an easy-to-use solution that searches web sites and automaticly download the files you specify, wether they be images…
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Home > Cybergambling software

ActiveX Windows NT/2000 group and account UserManager 2.03
Complette COM interface to Windows NT/2000/XP local or domain account database. Contains simple powefull objects for creating, deleting…
dfg BackUp XP 3.7.2
The best, award winning backup solution for nearly all backup medias. Unlimited backup profiles, ZIP compression, file&directory…
Autumn Saver 2.10.0510
AutumnSaver adds animated autumn landscapes and mushrooms to your computer breaks. The background is randomly generated with each program…

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