World Religion 1
World Religion hypemedia CD ROM covering the major religions of the world including Shamanism, Confucius, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto…
Home Data Deluxe 7.8a
Track all the information about you home, family and automobile and much more with this easy to use program.
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Home > Embedded software

Red Eye Remover 1.8
Red Eye Remover is a program that can take away a common "red-eye" effect from your images in an almost automatic mode. According to our…
MVP Solitaire 2.00
Sixty of the world's most popular solitaire games, presented in 24-bit color, are featured in the newest classic game collection from…
GridCity 1.0
An infinitely changing myriad of textures and patterns rendered on your screen by a sophisticated fractal algorithm.

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