Multi Clipboard 9.86.01
Copy any 1 of 1000s of pre-written text fields into the Windows Clipboard. When filling in forms, etc, it is nice to have all the…
St Basile Birth Certificates 2.2.80
Find St Basile birth certificates instantly. Get certified copies of state-issued birth certificates from all states. St Basile birth…
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Home > That software

Heidi R. Stealthy (TM) 2.0
Protect your Privacy. With a single mouse-click, Heidi R. Stealthy (TM) allows you to instantly conceal your current PC or laptop…
Logic Puzzles 1.0
Solve logic problems on your computer or print them out for solving in your easy chair. Use a fill in chart or traditional solving chart to…
Cross-Colors 1
Change the colors on a row or column, move them, and make the same color.

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