Japanese Baccarat 1.0
You will like everything in Japanese Baccarat. Take pleasure in Japanese music and scenery. Play as many times as you like, practice the…
KeyRobot 5.0
Logins? Ids? Passwords? Account numbers? Forget about 'em! The KeyRobot remembers it all for you. If you're asked to fill in a login name…
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Home > Windows 95 software

WinDriver Ghost 2.02
Backup, restore, remove, install and update all device drivers on your system.
WinFeedback 4.0
WinFeedback is a Windows scripting extension for testing, monitoring and automation purposes, like response timing, up-timing, functional…
UUMerge Freeware Edition 1.02
uuMerge Freeware Edition is a command line utility that can be used either to combine multiple text files into a single text file with a…

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