Paint Shop Photo Album 4.03
Has everything you need to quickly and easily enhance, organize, and share digital photos. Whether you're e-mailing photos, creating a…
ABF Favorite Folders 1.31
ABF Favorite Folders is an extremely useful compliment to the Windows Explorer shell. It allows you to easily store, manage and access a…
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Home > Url favorites software

2M Flower Garden 1.4c US
Align 5 or more pieces of the same color by moving the pieces on the board. Appealing high quality graphics. Full color and full size…
LAN Spider
LAN Spider is a full-featured network file searching utility. Advanced options help you pinpoint the exact patterns of the wanted file…
AppSpy 2.2
With AppSpy managers can easily track the usage of particular files and applications on a Novell Netware File Server within their company…

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