West Coast Lighthouses Screensaver 2.0
The Free West Coast Lighthouses Screensaver by ScenicReflections.com displays 47 beautiful and calming images of West Coast Lighthouses…
Memory Zipper Plus 7.11
Memory Zipper Plus improves performance of your PC by optimizing the Windows memory management. It solves memory problems by reclaiming…
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programs found: 185.

31.Advanced Disk Catalog 1.51 (elcomsoft.com) free  Advanced Disk Catalog download
An easy to use program with explorer-like interface which allows you to catalog all kind of media: floppies, CD-ROMs, ZIP disks etc. With it, you are able to organize volumes, folders and files into categories; browse inside ZIP, ARJ, RAR, CAB, ARC, ACE and LZH archives; add comment to each file, folder and…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 306 | Author: Vladimir Katalov | Size: 1410 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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32.Advanced Tetric 4.0 (pcbit.com) free  Advanced Tetric download
the classic Tetris game with some extra features and variations. It's in fact seven games in one: the original Tetris, Pentix, Colour Tetris, Kids Tetris and Kids Pentix, Advanced Tetris and Advanced Pentix. Pentix is a popular Tetris variation with some different shaped pieces. The Pentix game is thus more complicated and interesting than the classic Tetris game. Colour Tetris…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 42 | Author: Igor Karpukhin | Size: 1310 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Puzzle & Word Games
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33.Advanced Tetric 4.0 (pcbit.com) free  Advanced Tetric download
the classic Tetris game with some extra features and variations. It's in fact seven games in one: the original Tetris, Pentix, Colour Tetris, Kids Tetris and Kids Pentix, Advanced Tetris and Advanced Pentix. Pentix is a popular Tetris variation with some different shaped pieces. The Pentix game is thus more complicated and interesting than the classic Tetris game. Colour Tetris…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Velowaver, Ltd | Size: 1309 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Puzzle & Word Games
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34.Agelong Tree 2.4 (genery.com) free  Agelong Tree download
and ancestors of a person, but the family trees of the person's brothers, sisters and cousins. A special algorithm builds the tree in the most appropriate way; it is able to level and balance the trees with a most complicated structure. A system of filters allows choosing from the entire list those persons that meet certain criteria. For example, you can select those living in…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 82 | Author: Genery Software | Size: 1442 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Home & Hobby > Personal Finance
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35.Agent Reader 4.1 (aldostools.com) free  Agent Reader download
Increase your productivity with this advanced personal assistant. Agent Reader text to speech reads everything copied to the clipboard from any application, the Macro Recorder automates repetitive typing tasks, the integrated ads/popup killer will close for you all the annoying windows while you browse and…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 105 | Author: Aldo Vargas | Size: 712 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Business > Databases & Tools
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36.AKVIS Chameleon 3.0 (akvis.com) free  AKVIS Chameleon download
AKVIS Chameleon - Collage Creation Software for automatic adjustment of inserted objects to the target image color range. The tool is extremely easy to use as it does not require precise selection of objects. Copy an object, insert it into another picture, press a button and the object adjusts to the new…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 119 | Author: AKVIS LLC | Size: 4887 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Graphic Apps > Editors
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37.Alt WAV MP3 WMA OGG Converter 3.5 (nesoft.org) free  Alt WAV MP3 WMA OGG Converter download
WMA (wma bitrate changer) OGG -> OGG (ogg bitrate changer) What's new: *Improvements: - all program windows can be attached to Main Window with a help of a button near "Close" button; - audio options presets in audio options windows. - new "Add Folder" window with ability to select types of audio files to be added and option for including subfolders; - new option "Save…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 275 | Author: Maxim Perevozchikov | Size: 1743 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Encoders & Decoders
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38.Amy's Games 1.0.118 (robertgrace.home.mchsi.com) free  Amy'<b>s</b> Games download
Games! is software designed for the youngest members of your family. We have included three games for various age groups: CrashBangWallop!3 is aimed at babies and toddlers, and provides a rewarding experience for simply banging at the keyboard. It is designed to encourage cause/effect exploration, and to teach the rudiments of letter associations and the computer…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 128 | Author: Rob Grace | Size: 5103 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Other
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39.Amys Games 1.0.118 (robertgrace.home.mchsi.com) free  Amys Games download
Games! is software designed for the youngest members of your family. We have included three games for various age groups: CrashBangWallop!3 is aimed at babies and toddlers, and provides a rewarding experience for simply banging at the keyboard. It is designed to encourage cause/effect exploration, and to teach the rudiments of letter associations and the computer…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 42 | Author: Rob Grace | Size: 5103 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Education > Kids
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40.Anti-Spy.Info adware remover 1.6.5 (anti-spy.info) free  Anti-Spy.Info adware remover download
tools and protects from trojans that stealthy add an autostart key. It eliminates the traces of your work on computer and of your internet activity e.g. cookies, cache, history, typed URLs and temporary files. Anti-Spy.Info can answer following questions: Who is watching you? What software makes your computer slower? Which programs hide from Task-Manager? Which loaded modules…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 580 | Author: Alex Neuber | Size: 1212 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Security & Privacy > Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools
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41.Anyplace Control 2.12 (anyplace-control.com) free  Anyplace Control download
on your screen. The program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard to control the other PC remotely. It means that you can work on a remote computer, as if you were sitting in front of it, right from your current location. You will even be able to transfer data between computers. The program allows you to work with different remote computers simultaneously, from anywhere in the…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 2617 | Author: Yura Goncharuk | Size: 1365 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Remote Computing
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42.AscToHTM 5.0 (jafsoft.com) free  AscToHTM download
itself. Whether you are a business user that wants to place key documents and reports on your Intranet, or a budding author who wishes to publish your prose as good-looking e-books, this software will save you many hours of effort. AscToHTM is a powerful and highly configurable utility that converts text files into good-looking HTML pages that faithfully reflect the structure of…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: John A Fotheringham | Size: 1891 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Web Development > Site Administration
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43.ATAF-Picture-eShop 2004.0.2 (ataf.dk) free  ATAF-Picture-eShop download
ATAF-picture-eShop is 100% web-based online shop where you can sell your pictures in a familiar XP design ATAF-picture-eShopy is a easy to install, where you can easy can upload and sell pictures on the web. Also you can send your pictures as electronic postcard ( E-postcard ) with sound. You can also…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Christian Rasmussen | Size: 2544 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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44.ATAF-Picture-WEB Gallery 2004.0.2 (ataf.dk) free  ATAF-Picture-WEB Gallery download
ATAF-Picture-Web gallery is 100% web-based online picture gallery in a familiar XP design ATAF-Web gallery is a easy to install online picture gallery, where you can upload and share pictures with other people. Also you can send your pictures as electronic postcard ( E-postcard ) with sound. You can also ATAF-Web gallery is a easy to install online picture gallery, where you can upload and share pictures with other people…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 16 | Author: Christian Rasmussen | Size: 1544 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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45.Audio Sliders 4.1 (codesector.com) free  Audio Sliders download
save and restore mixer settings manually or at specified time. Hot-keys for quick volume control, too! Remote Control provides hot-key control for the most popular CD and Mp3 players, including Winamp, Sonique, Quintessential CD, etc. The same hot-keys can even be used for all players. Auto-created submenus can control any installed player. When no external CD or…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 76 | Author: Jackie Ray | Size: 1279 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Rippers & Converters
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46.AutoMate (unisyn.com) free  AutoMate download
Whether you are a systems administrator, programmer or a home user, most people who use computers have repetitive tasks that they would like to automate or application behaviors that they would like to modify. AutoMate is a software tool for Windows computers that enables users to solve this dilemma by easily…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 637 | Author: Network automation | Size: 20216 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Automation Tools
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47.AutoMate (unisyn.com) free  AutoMate download
Whether you are a systems administrator, programmer or a home user, most people who use computers have repetitive tasks that they would like to automate or application behaviors that they would like to modify. AutoMate is a software tool for Windows computers that enables users to solve this dilemma by easily…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Network automation | Size: 20216 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Automation Tools
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48.AxCrypt (axcrypt.sourceforge.net) free  AxCrypt download
for Windows 98/ME/NT/2K/XP using the AES algorithm with 128-bit keys. It combines strong symmetric encryption with compression and double-click editing/viewing. Encrypted files have a '.AXX' extension added to their names, and are shown with a new icon. To encrypt a file, right-click it in Windows Explorer and select 'AxCrypt | Encrypt'. To edit or view an encrypted file…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 337 | Author: Svante Seleborg | Size: 1034 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Security & Privacy > Encryption Tools
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49.BCGControlBar Library Professional Edition 8.00 (bcgsoft.com) free  BCGControlBar Library Professional Edition download
applications with full customization (customizable toolbars, menus, keyboard and more). BCGControlBar library has more than 150 thoroughly designed, tested and fully documented MFC extension classes. Our components can be easily incorporated into your application and save hundreds of development and debugging hours. BCGControlBar Professional Edition is an MFC extension library…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 16 | Size: 16102 kb | Commercial
Go to category: Education > Teaching & Training Tools
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50.BCGControlBarLibrary Standard Edition 6.50 (bcgsoft.com) free  BCGControlBarLibrary Standard Edition download
applications with full customization (customizable toolbars, menus, keyboard and more). BCGControlBar library has more than 100 thoroughly designed, tested and fully documented MFC extension classes. Our components can be easily incorporated into your application and save hundreds of development…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Size: 10715 kb | Commercial
Go to category: Education > Teaching & Training Tools
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51.BCGPEdit (BCGSoft Professional Editor) 6.5 (bcgsoft.com) free  BCGPEdit (BCGSoft Professional Editor) download
provides a built-in support for all standard features such as keyboard/mouse selection, Copy/Paste and Print. The Editor Library is suitable for large number of applications - from simple chat clients to complicated development tools. MFC extension library for incorporation an advanced edit control into any MFC-based application. It has the following features: Syntax…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Stas Levin | Size: 348 kb | Commercial
Go to category: Education > Teaching & Training Tools
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52.BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger (blazingtools.com) free  BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger download
a remote surveillance tool made specially for beginners. With this key logger you can receive keystrokes, chats, websites, screenshots and passwords from any PC by email or FTP. Remote surveillance with Perfect Keylogger - as easy as never before! Some applications of the keylogger: parental control;…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 1445 | Author: BlazingTools Software | Size: 540 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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53.BPS Data Shredder (bulletproofsoft.com) free  BPS Data Shredder download
since the item is not recoverable once it has been shredded. Key features include: This tool is integrated with the Windows shell and you can directly start shredding by right-click on the selected folders/files and selecting 'File Shredder' from Windows explorer, an easy to use 'drag and drop' interface, the option to shred shred files, folders, disk free space; the 'Confirm…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: bulletproof soft | Size: 3062 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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54.BPS Spyware and Adware Remover (bulletproofsoft.h4host.com) free  BPS Spyware and Adware Remover download
Remover is an Adware, SpyWare, Key Loggers, Trojans, Dialers, Hijackers, Trackware, Thiefware, Big Brotherware removal utility with multi-language support. It scans your memory (for active memory ad components, which are not stored on your hard drive and last only as long as the computer is powered up), registry, & drives for known adware modules & for known SpyWare parasites &…
Updated: 8, 2004 | Rating: 1064 | Author: Naglaa Elbanhawy | Size: 7383 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Security & Privacy > Other
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55.BPS Spyware and Adware Remover (bulletproofsoft.com) free  BPS Spyware and Adware Remover download
BPS Spyware/Adware Remover is a program that eliminates all adwares, spywares, viruses, Dialers, and hijackers that might exist on your PC. BPS Spyware/Adware Remover is a program that uses a database with tens of thousands fingerprints of spyware adware, trojans and worms that can be updated automatically to…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 122 | Author: BulletProof Soft | Size: 8238 kb | Demo
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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56.Bud Redhead - The Time Chase 1.2 (space-ewe.com) free  Bud Redhead - The Time Chase download
if you wait long enough at the main menu without pressing any key or moving the mouse the game will go into a demonstration mode. There are 4 one-minute demos (one for each world) so if you are patient enough you can have a peek at what you will get if you register. Side-scrolling jump'n'run platform game suitable for all ages. It has 20 huge levels set in 4 different worlds…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 16 | Author: Bojan Urosevic | Size: 6978 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Arcade
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57.CD Bank cataloguer 2.7.5 (qunom.com) free  CD Bank cataloguer download
is fast and simple, with no limit to the number of disks cataloged. Key features: fast disk processing; unlimited disk count; searching queries; compound disk groups; storing files and folders list (name, size, date); calculation of all folders size; navigation by disk cover images; loaned disk…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 63 | Author: Nachitov Yuri | Size: 1066 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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58.CDCheck 3.1.11 (elpros.si) free  CDCheck download
you exactly where the problems are. Files on CDs, zip drives, USB keys etc. can get damaged in a number of ways, so the program helps you determine whether your data is safe before it's too late. The program also provides extremly fast binary compare for effectively checking that file transfers (burning, copying...) were accomplished successfully and alerts you of differences…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 1217 | Author: Mitja Perko | Size: 1400 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Backup & Restore
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59.Charlie II 2.07 (wieringsoftware.nl) free  Charlie II download
hidden areas! Controls: Walk with the [Left] and [Right] arrow keys; hold [Ctrl] down to walk faster; press [Space] to jump and [Down] to dive into the water in some places. Smooth scrolling platform game about a cute little duck. Collect coins and diamonds, jump on enemies and dive into the water to find hidden…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 16 | Author: Mike Wiering | Size: 1506 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Action
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60.Chilkat AES & RSA Encryption Component 2.2.0 (chilkatsoft.com) free  Chilkat AES & RSA Encryption Component download
.NET is an advanced encryption component that offers both RSA public-key encryption with digital signatures as well as symmetric encryption algorithms including AES (Rijndael), Blowfish, and Twofish. It provides the ability to easily create digital signatures for files or memory data, or verify digital signatures against incoming data or files. It allows for the use of any…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Matt Fausey | Size: 2000 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Development > Other
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Home > Keyboard keys software

123 Email Extractor ++ 1.5
Email Extractor++ is a shareware that allows you to extract email addresses from websites for as low as 50 cents, based on a start URL or…
Digital Photo Slide Show & Screen Saver 2003.3
Digital Photo Slide Show is the perfect solution for sharing your digital photos in a slide show format either as a screen saver, slide…
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Powerful security and access control utility for Windows Me/9x and Windows XP/2000 that lets you hide or password-protect files and…

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