Goof Ball 1.0
An action game with puzzle elements featuring seven different game types, stunning graphics, and realistic physics.
CIDMage 1.4.2
CIDMage - the first commercially-available all-software solution to the problem of generating your own custom Caller ID signals…
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Home > 642 801 ccnp software

Phoner 1.81
Phoner is a free softphone for ISDN and VoIP telephony. An answering machine and Text-To-Speech support complete the large package.
Pretty Password 1.0
Pretty Password is for the web designer that wants to add security, the ability to charge for website entry, monitor who and when the users…
Deletor 3.1
Deletor helps you keep your disks clean by deleting or shredding files corresponding to file name patterns or extensions that you specify…

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