Chop 1.504
Program for splitting large files for easier distribution with CRC, CL access and simple Encryption. Files can be split by either the…
Hyper Maker HTML 3000.27
HTML Compiler that packages HTML pages, linked images, sounds, video and fonts in a single, stand-alone, encrypted file. An ebook can be…
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Home > Regenumvalue software

Copy This Path 1.0
If you work a lot with the paths to files or folders like I do, this can be a time saving tool. This will add the command 'Copy This Path'…
CoffeeCup Free Scrollbar Styler 1.0
Customize those plain default web browser scrollbars for a great looking site. Makes color scrollbars for your Website without knowledge of…
Halle Berry Screen Saver 1.0
She has starred in such movies as Boomerang, Bulworth, Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, X-Men, and of course, Swordfish and Monster's…

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