FlowChart.NET 4.0.3
The FlowChart.NET component adds to applications the ability to create and present workflow, flowchart and process diagrams, database…
mobile2server troubleshooter 1.0
This application lets you securely connect to the remote server through your mobile phone. Only requirement is J2ME installed on mobile and…
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Home > Datei software

XFS FORM EDITOR is a tool to create forms according to the WOSA/XFS standard. Through its WYSIWYG design well formed XFS forms can be…
AMI Pagan Daybook II 4.0m
AMI Pagan Daybook II, a calendar to keep track of festivals and observances, features expanded listings, colour graphics, integrated screen…
xTerminator 4.21
Block spam and most of worms before they even reach your mailbox. You'll be able to delete unwanted messages directly from the server thus…

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