Aquatica 3D 2.0
Aquarium 3D Fish Screen Saver, 3D Scenery Maker with 10,000 underwater objects. Selectable features including 85 3D talking fish, 3D fish…
ActiveBuyandSell 6.2
Web-based application that connects people selling products and services with people looking to buy products and services. Uses MS SQL or…
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programs found: 7.

1.Waver 2.95 ( free  Waver download
to WAV or MP3 using all processors in the system. Windows audio codecs are used for WAV/MP3 to WAV conversion. Waver both reads and writes MP3 files. It is also capable of writing WAV encoded MP3 files using LAME and Blade encoders. You can up or downsample your files, change the number of channels and the format all in one step. Waver can also batch convert your sound files. Waver…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Aleksandar Puskas | Size: 925 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Multimedia Creation Tools
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2.AVIedit 3.38 ( free  AVIedit download
You can add or remove audio tracks, compress your videos with modern codecs like MPEG4 and even more... Special hardware (video capture board) is required ONLY for capture, but other things can be done easily on most Pentium-class computers. Aviedit supports TWAIN devices like a scanner or digicam. Also it can use most of Adobe(tm) Photoshop compatible plug-ins. Multilanguage user…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 372 | Author: Alexander Milukov | Size: 644 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
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3.VintaSoft Webcam 3.8 ( free  VintaSoft Webcam download
compressed video (DivX, Intel Indeo, MPEG, Cinepak, or any video codecs you have) up to 10 frame per second, or not compressed video up to 20 frame per second. The record during 24 hours will borrow 3.5 Gb of a hard drive space. Besides it is possible to save separate images on local hard drive or on Web servers. Program is comprehensive motion detection system and auto-capture makes…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 307 | Size: 575 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Graphic Apps > Other
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4.ChrisTV Professional 4.80 ( free  ChrisTV Professional download
and very easy to use. Key Features : Recording using any audio/video codecs installed on user's PC and MPEG Recording, advanced recording settings,TimeShifting, FFDSHow support, Advanced Scheduler, Radio FM support, Recording Profiles, Sleep Timer, channel autoscan with fine tuning, customize each…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 1271 | Author: Cristian Ciplea | Size: 2820 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
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5.ChrisTV Standard 4.80 ( free  ChrisTV Standard download
to use. Key Features : TimeShifting, Recording using any audio/video codecs installed on user's PC and MPEG Recording, advanced recording settings, Advanced Scheduler, Radio FM support, channel autoScan with fine tuning, customize each channel properties, support for dscaler deinterlace directshow filter, zoom feature, teletext, winlirc Support, Image Processing filters (only in…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 697 | Author: Cristian Ciplea | Size: 2777 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
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6.ChrisTV Professional 4.90 ( free  ChrisTV Professional download
and very easy to use. Key Features : Recording using any audio/video codecs installed on user's PC and MPEG Recording, advanced recording settings,TimeShifting, FFDSHow support, Advanced Scheduler, Radio FM support, Recording Profiles, Sleep Timer, channel autoscan with fine tuning, customize each…
Updated: 3, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Cristian Ciplea | Size: 3004 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
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7.ChrisTV Standard 4.90 ( free  ChrisTV Standard download
to use. Key Features : TimeShifting, Recording using any audio/video codecs installed on user's PC and MPEG Recording, advanced recording settings, Advanced Scheduler, Radio FM support, channel autoScan with fine tuning, customize each channel properties, support for dscaler deinterlace directshow filter, zoom feature, teletext, winlirc Support, Image Processing filters (only in…
Updated: 3, 2006 | Rating: 249 | Author: Cristian Ciplea | Size: 2959 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
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Home > Codecs software

QuicknEasyImage 1.8
The quick and easy way to add an image (and photographs) to a web page. Upload images using a simple web form and the full HTML tag is…
7art Dinosaurs Vol.2 ScreenSaver 1.0
Have you ever dreamed of travelling back in time? Taking a walk in Jurassic This screensaver will bring the Earth's largest reptile…
AAAScreensavers Screensaver Builder 3.5
Create your own custom screensavers using your pictures, music, flash and video. Our software takes you step by step through the creation…

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