TemplateTamer 1.2.3
TemplateTamer is a web application development tool for creating and maintaining a template based dynamic PHP web applications, with…
GREPPES Text Tools 2.4
PDGREPPE : Pattern Definition GREP; FGREPPE : Fast Fixed GREP; Both edit Pattern matches in files; PDGREPPE uses Extended Regular…
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Izlenim Site Monitor 1.00
Keep an eye on your Web sites and be alerted via E-Mail and/or ICQ if one or more sites goes down.
Registry Doctor 1.00
Fix PC problems and prevent them from happening again. Comes with 1.System Files backup and Restore 2.Registry Cleaner and Optimizer…
Watch Right 2002.0.77
Watch Right is a simple and inexpensive parental monitoring system that empowers the concerned parent with the ability to keep and eye…

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