Frog Puzzle 1.0
Frog Puzzle is an animated jigsaw puzzle for your entertainment! The game features colorful graphics and fun, easy gameplay. Saving frogs…
The Personal FTP Server 4.46
The Freeware version of our FTP Servers PFTP with much more features. Multidirectories, Ratio and an easy user All passwords are…
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Home > Rs232 terminal software

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Home > Rs232 terminal software

Paraben's Marble Solitaire 2.0
Paraben's Marble Solitaire is a nice looking version of the classic peg solitaire game. Try to eliminate all but one marble by jumping…
PacMania II 2.0
In PacMania we keep running through the intimidating labyrinth together with Pacman, eating the dots and hunting the evil monsters. The…
PlexCrypt Compression-Encryption 3.1
PlexCrypt allows set of files or folders to compress and encrypts and decrypts set of files or set of folders based on PKI and Passwords…

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