PanelMeter 1.2.42
PanelMeter is an ActiveX control for VB6 which can behave like a 3D panel, a frame container, or a progress meter. Any of these behaviors…
CopyDVD+ 2.00
With CopyDVD+ you can backup your existing DVD collection to DVD-R/RW or DVD+R/RW. Not only can you copy your entire DVD collection to…
Example:  ACDSee
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Home > Secret software

Cell 1.0
The cell program consist of 3D graphics of cell organelles and 3D animation of cellular processes. Review module provides review questions…
Aros Magic Viewer 1.0
Browse your digital camera photos or web downloads at any size supported by your monitor. Enlarge small images to reveal hidden details…
QuadSucker-Web 3.1
QuadSucker/Web is a multithreaded website downloader. It is optimized for downloading images, and includes built in support for viewing GIF…

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