HVRaster - Programmers Font for Windows 1.0
A Windows monospaced raster screen font especially designed for use in Programmer's IDEs and Editors like Visual Studio, Delphi, Codewright…
WordZap Deluxe 6.00
WordZap(R) 6.00 is a Shareware word game where you race your computer opponent to create the most unique words from a given set of letters…
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Home > Form tool software

InfoMagic 3.2
Organizer for People Who Hate to Organize. A simple, straightforward, freeform way to keep track of the bits of facts, data, & information…
Shred XP 2.00.10
Using over a dozen government and industry-proven shredding methods, Shred XP returns control to you by securely deleting current files…
sqlXpressScript 2.0
Smart INSERT scripts for moving data between tables in different databases! Transfers all data types, including IMAGE, BINARY and…

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