Add easy printer printing to you application with this ActiveX control. Print images, text, different fonts, line, rectangles and shading.
Secure Image Pro 4.0
Copy protect the images on your web site and CD using image encryption and domain lock. Secure Image Pro is recommended image protection…
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Home > Ccnp software

T-Minus Countdown Clock 5.0
This software sits on your PC so you can see the time until your special event. Attach a countdown your e-mails. Sound effects during count…
Crystal Cave 1.11
Search long-lost treasures in pitch black caves, pyramids and dark tombs of ancient temples. You as an intrepid tomb seeker must resolve pu…
Registry Restore 2000 1.00
Registry Restore 2000 is a Windows 95/98 Backup Utility. It's main focus is on backing up the Windows Registry which is considered to be…

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