Frigate3 3.33
Forget ill-thought Windows Explorer and get Frigate 3 - the right file manager with Total Commader plugins support, folder synchronizer…
Miraplacid Form Professional 2.3
Miraplacid Form will help you to scan and fill paper form. You can type text exactly where you need it. You can merge a form with data…
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Home > Keyboard keys software

StyleSkin 5.0
Styleskin is dedicated template driven interface design software which enables anyone to easily design their own graphics. Simply layout…
zeta producer Freeware 4
zeta producer is a website content management system based upon Microsoft Windows®. With zeta producer users can easily manage their…
Astrobeer 1.0
Based on the classic game Astroids. Pilot your rocket powered beer truck through a sea of beer while eliminating kegs, six-packs, bottles…

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