Premium Clock 2.31
Premium Clock features an analog clock, a digital clock, a fully customized tray clock, a customized desktop, an atomic clock, an alarm…
SendToPager Professional 2.0.2
Send automated messages from PC to pagers and mobiles. GUI and Cmd Line Utility makes SendToPager be easily intergrated into any system…
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Home > 642 801 ccnp software

Fantastic ASCII Art: Picture Paradise 1.2
If you are sick and tired of everything standart and routine - this was made especially for you. Lots of wonderful images of the world…
CoolWeather 1.3
Brings current weather to your taskbar for any valid zip code.
Innovatools Add/Remove Plus! 5.0
Innovatools Add/Remove Plus! offers a new and better way to uninstall programs you no longer want on your computer. All you have to do is…

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