Html Code Convert 3.3.1
HTML Code Convert helps speed up the conversion of HTML code into different format including Java Script, JavaServer Pages, Microsoft ASP…
2Mushrooms 1.4
The goal of 2Mushrooms is to find all mushrooms with maximum points. You points are decriased after any click on not discovered field. The…
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programs found: 5.

1.ABView 2.1 ( free  ABView download
formats : mpg, mpeg, mpe, m1v, mp2, mpv2, mp2v, mpa, mov, avi, fli, flc, cel, gif, dat, asf, asx, wm, vod, wmv, wvx, ivf Images : bmp, dib, rle, jpg, jpe, jpeg, gif, wmf, emf, ico, cur, ani, pcx, png, tif, tiff Vector graphics : wmf, emf Icon library and icon resource files : icl, il, nil, exe, dll, cpl, ocx, drv, vbx Audio : mp3, m3u, ogg, wav, snd, au, aif, aiff, aifc, mov, qt…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 283 | Author: Roman Iola | Size: 1549 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Other
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2.AVIedit 3.38 ( free  AVIedit download
print them and export to animated GIFs or Autodesk Animator FLI/FLC. It can edit existing .avi files and create titles. You can add or remove audio tracks, compress your videos with modern codecs like MPEG4 and even more... Special hardware (video capture board) is required ONLY for capture, but other things can be done easily on most Pentium-class computers. Aviedit supports TWAIN…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 372 | Author: Alexander Milukov | Size: 644 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
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3.IconForge (Deutsche Version) 6.33D ( free  IconForge (Deutsche Version) download
such as Dissolves and Fades; - Import/export animated GIF, FLC, FLI and AVI files; - Export animations as .BMP filmstrip panels; - Icon Wrapper utility allows you to wrap programs and scripts which do not contain icon resources into an executable with your own icon; - Change system icons/cursors (including animation of desktop icons); - Allows you to create and…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: CursorArts Company | Size: 9572 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Graphic Apps > Icon Tools
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4.WinNc.Net 4.4 ( free  WinNc.Net download
FTP files, too). WinNc can view JPEG, GIF, BMP, TGA, WMF, PCX, WAV, FLC, DOCS, XLS, HTML, MID and AVI files. It supports extraction from WAV to MP3 files, ripping audio cd's to MP3 and converting WAV to MP3. A new feature in WinNc.Net is the ability to record files on CDs or DVDs. WinNc.Net is shareware and can be freely downloaded and distributed from the Dunes MultiMedia website…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Kuno Hamers | Size: 6572 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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5.WinNc.Net 4.1 ( free  WinNc.Net download
FTP files, too). WinNc can view JPEG, GIF, BMP, TGA, WMF, PCX, WAV, FLC, DOCS, XLS, HTML, MID and AVI files. It supports extraction from WAV to MP3 files, ripping audio cd's to MP3 and converting WAV to MP3. A new feature in WinNc.Net is the ability to record files on CDs or DVDs. WinNc.Net is shareware and can be freely downloaded and distributed from the Dunes MultiMedia website…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Kuno Hamers | Size: 7540 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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Home > Flc software

ClockIt: Easy Schedule Creator 5.0.0
This program is a fast and easy to use employee scheduling software. The user-friendly interface, powerful query features and automated…
SDE for IBM WebSphere (PE) for Windows 3.2 Professional Edition
SDE for IBM WebSphere is a UML plugin for IBM WebSphere. You can draw all types of UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence, collaboration…
Word Dummy 4.0
An excellent Software program for Kids to learn English Words. Word Dummy 4.0 is a Graphical game for teaching young children English…

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