Banner Factory V 4.0
Banner Factory V 2.0 is a Shareware Java Applet web site banner development tool. You can create professional 3Dimensional banners without…
Word-It 1.0
Word-It is a small utility which converts numbers to words, it is very handy when it is needed to write your bank check with ease, no more…
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Home > Harvester software

LANMessage Pro 4.00
LANMessage Pro is a powerful tool for communicating with other people on your network. It provides a means of communication including Send…
Dictation Buddy 2.1
Dictation Buddy -advanced audio recording, transcribing, annotating, and publishing program. Record phone conversations and monitor…
CD2X 1.21
CD2X read your CD's and convert them to MP3 or OGG files. It uses the Lame or the Vorbis encoder. CD2X can read audio CD's in most CD driv…

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