Island Blackjack 1.0
Are you dreaming to go on leave and to spend it on uninhabited island? Are you long for a rest in a pleasant place? Do you want people do…
Aves Bird Watcher Log 2.8
Complete bird watcher's log. Includes world bird list, image collection, trip log, daily diary, club members list and more. Create graphs…
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Home > Adventure software

MindIT! 3.30 ENG
Talking alarm clock featuring 8 alarms and 8 task schedules, automatic atomic time synchronization, Swatch InternetTime support, holidays…
African Dreams Screensaver 1.0a
To see African Wildlife, close-up and in its natural setting, is a real treat; this screen saver is a must have for anyone who loves the…
stickIt_LE 1.4.0
stickIt_LE (Light Edition) is a utility for creating “sticky notes” on your computer desktop. You can create up to 10 notes of different…

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