UploadAway 1.0
UploadAway is an automated uploading utility. Swiftly update an entire web site with one click. Supports multiple sites. Automatic chmod of…
Distant Learning System 1.1
DLS is a multi-user training web-system, enabling remote education. The system allows users to hold online meetings, pass tests, attend…
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Home > Cd autorun software

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Home > Cd autorun software

Ammo and PotShots Screen Saver 1.0
Select your most hated image files and this screen saver will blast to smithereens. With various ammunition sounds in the background…
ClikView 2.1
With ClikView, you can VIEW and EDIT almost any file directly without launching the files native application! View and Edit text…
Bezique 1.1
A fascinating card game for two in which you play against the computer. In this version you play against Winston Churchill. It was…

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