ActiveX Windows NT/2000 group and account UserManager 2.03
Complette COM interface to Windows NT/2000/XP local or domain account database. Contains simple powefull objects for creating, deleting…
CoolTimeZone - Time/Date Ticker 1.2
CoolTimeZone is an easy, small, intuitive, unobtrusive scrolling time/date display ticker. It's loaded with customizable options including…
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Home > Network address translation software

StatsNow 2.2
StatsNow is the ultimate live statistics program giving you a real time view of your visitors currently on your Web site(s), what pages…
Marbles Shooter 1.0
Marbles Shooter is a new astonishing game for the puzzle aficionados. With three exciting game modes, great sounds and music, Marbles…
Active Keyboard 3.1
Launch applications, documents, and URLs, and over 80 other actions to hot - Control your Winamp player - Hide application windows…

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