LockJar 2.1
LockJar gives you total control over the Internet browser cookies that are placed on your machine. Cookies on the Internet are an…
Active Phone Server 9.18
Answering machine plays back a greeting and records a message. Recorded messages are common wav-files. Caller ID displays caller ID…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Tone generator software

Probill Plus for Windows 2.01
Probill Plus automatically handles recurring billing tasks. Security / alarm company billing software with complete accounts receivables…
absolutePDF-Spool Base 1.1
absolutePDF Spool lets your legacy applications generate PDF files without the need for other expensive tools. No Adobe Acrobat required!
AddInternet Domain Search 1.33
AddInternet Domain Search is a free software that allows you to search for domain names available for registration as well as find out who…

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