AscToHTM 5.0
AscToHTM is a powerful and highly configurable utility that converts text files into good-looking HTML pages that faithfully reflect the…
2Tga 5.2
2TGA is a reliable batch graphics converter allowing you to convert images to tga format from 50 image file types. The program has no…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Cgm software

Imshooter 1.00
Send advertisements directly to computer screens. Allows targeted advertisement by geographic regions mapped to IP addresses. Reach…
PowerPoint 3.81
The best tool to replace the paint brush of huge graph and picture storehouse, strong graph and picture process ability which Pho…
Electronic Story Collection 2004.3
A collection of amusing and inspirational stories and poems, gleaned from email correspondence. A safe way to enjoy email. No need to log…

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