WallpaperXe 1.2
Wallpaper Xe is a utility designed to offer you total and complete control over your desktop wallpapers. Features: Active Desktop, 30…
Alert Phone 1.17
Call one ring home, call back, your modem will answer and give stock quotes. Create email alerts based on a key word, or who it is from…
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Clondike Casino 7.05
Clondike casino caters to high rollers. Play for fun or real money. VIP lounge games available or experience the fun casino games with…
Cash Flow 2.3
Finance planner, recurring payments, charts, print/print preview, lists for any chosen time period. Many repeat types and grouping…
Internet Cyclone 1.78
Internet Cyclone is a powerfull, easy-to-use, Internet Optimizer for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP designed to automatically…

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