BatchRename 2 2.75
"BatchRename" is for you to rename files freely with all kinds of rules you defined as many as you like.
Enterprise Architect for UML 2.0 v6.1
Enterprise Architect is a flexible, complete and powerful UML modeling tool for the Windows platform. Providing the competitive edge for s…
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Home > Cpu software

SpeedUpMyPC 2.04
The award-winning and leading software utility that automatically optimizes and maximizes the performance of all computers within minutes.
Clip'nSave 3.2
Clip'nSave is the writer's friend. Easily capture part or all of the Desktop, apply effects and drag images or text between programs. The…
Movie Organizer Deluxe 2.5
Movie Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows movie collectors, hobbyists, small libraries, and clubs to organize, catalog, and…

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