AnswerMyPhone 2.7
AnswerMyPhone lets you use your PC as an Answering Machine for your telephone. It supports multiple voice mail box and creation of simple…
Rapid Deployment URL Launcher 1.1
Freeware tool that launches urls in separate default browser windows with only one click.
Example:  Download Accelerator
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Home > Secret software

Bud Redhead - The Time Chase 1.2
Side-scrolling jump'n'run platform game suitable for all ages. It has 20 huge levels set in 4 different worlds: Forest, Ancient Egypt…
Buzof 1.7
Buzof enables you to automatically answer, close or minimize virtually any window. Just drag the Buzof icon and drop it onto the button you…
ContentKit 2.0
ContentKit® - Content Management Tool. Construct web sites with powerful content management functionality. Easily changed and updated by…

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