enVivo!CMS Classic 3.52
enVivo!CMS Classic is a powerful yet affordable Web Content Management System for Active Server Pages. By separating website design from…
CleanIt 2.0
CleanIt is small but useful program that is automatically executed when you start your computer (or enter Windows NT/2000 system) and clean…
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Home > Stored procedures software

NUCEM Spam Terminator 2.0 2.0
GUARANTEED COMPLETE SOLUTION to spam! NUCEM (pronounced nuk-'em) is user friendly, easy to install, maintenance free, reliable, and works…
Digital Ear Real-Time 4.01
Digital Ear Real-Time can analyze a recorded or live solo performance (wav file) (e.g. a singing human voice, or a musical instrument) and…
K 2003 DB.USR 5.0.3

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