AB-Clock is the indispensable tool for your desktop. At last the clock in your Windows taskbar shows the current date. Additionally, with…
Simple System Tray IMAP Client 1.0
This program includes a few interesting and useful technologies - A Simple System Tray IMAP Mail Client (not available so far) - Syst…
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Home > Multiboot software

Address & Phone Book Pro 9.01
Address and Phone Book, you can enter names and addresses including 4 phone numbers, Birthday, E-Mail Address, Fax Numbers and web page…
Grammar Slammer - Non-Windows 4.0
English grammar help + reference that answers the questions the grammar checker cannot. Get Answers not Questions and real grammar help…
1Way 5.5
Convert any application into time-limited shareware. Generate serial numbers to register it. A function library offering a flexible locking…

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