WinMHT 1.4
Use WinMHT to save collections of one or more Web pages, along with their associated images, sounds, scripts and other page elements, all…
WebDwarf Free 2.5
WebDwarf Free is Virtual Mechanics' easy to use drag-and-drop webpage editor. WebDwarf Free combines a word processor with spell checker, a…
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Home > Double click software

Iconic Tray 1.21
This tiny utility lets you minimize any window either to the system tray, or to a special new tray (see image). This helps you keep your…
Whose Is It 1.0
Freeware desktop utility for doing a Who Is look up of internet domain information. Much quicker than logging on to a web site. Allows…
Trader-Rey 1.04f
Trader-Rey is a unique stock ticker for Ameritrade accounts. It will help you monitor your stock picks with some advanced tecniques.

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