Easypass 2.0
Fast and easy to use random password generator. Generates different types of passwords (e. g. speakable password). Generation of "readable"…
SDE for Visual Studio .NET (SE) for Windows 3.2 Standard Edition
SDE for Visual Studio .NET is a UML plug-in for Visual Studio. SDE supports reverse engineering (C# code to UML model), code generation…
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Home > Electric software

Real Option Valuation 1.0
The Real Option Valuation model encompasses a suite of option pricing tools to quantify the embedded strategic value for a range of…
Aerial Antics Demo 1.0
Aerial Antics is a fast and furious Arcade game. Testing your skills in your attempt to win a place in the Aerial Antics flying circus. 50…
Radar Website Monitor
Radar Website Monitor is a multithreaded website monitoring tool, watching different protocols, including HTTP(S), SMTP, POP3, FTP, TCP. It…

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