LangPad - International Characters 1.1
LangPad - International Characters provides an easy way to insert foreign language characters, and symbols into your WordPad and Notepad…
MP3 Catalog Manager Pro 1.3.5
Advanced MP3 Catalog is an easy-to-use tool with an Explorer-like interface which allows you catalog the drives with MP3 files: the…
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Home > Url submit software

PIMEX 1.09
This slick organizer and PIM will keep track of your contacts, distribution lists, manage your schedule, remind about appointments and…
Touch Wood 1.0
It's woodware, luckware, funware and above all it's freeware. Touch Wood is your virtual good luck companion. Whenever you wish…
Majestic Waterfalls Screensaver 1.0
Majestic Waterfalls features three unique soothing waterfall scenes with high quality video animation and stereo sound.

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