VBAcodePrint97 1.4.67
VBAcodePrint97 enables you to print the VBA source code in color of Microsoft Office 97 suite of applications: Word, Excel, Access, and…
LAN Find 3.1
Fast file search on network or your computer! LAN Find is a powerful search engine for your LAN or computer. Find any files (e.g. mp3, avi)…
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Home > Certification software

3D UltraPong 1.4
3D UltraPong is the classic pong game with amazing 3D graphics. In this game you can customize your own game, choosing speed levels, game…
Advanced Subnet Calculator 1.1
Other Subnet Calculators only do one function, don't allow Exporting, or require you to purchase to enable all the features. The…
MS Texas Holdem 2.01
Play Texas Holdem poker against 1-9 computer players, with skill levels you set for tightness of play, betting aggressiveness, and so on…

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