Simpledit 2.1
Simpledit is a customizable text editor with a multiple document interface, a taskbar, and many great features.
Arrow Mailing List Server for Windows 1.3.6
Arrow makes it easy to create and manage discussion and announcement mailing lists using a standard email account. No ads, no monthly fees…
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Home > Whoson software

Ergotimer 2.1
Provides relief from repetitive stress problems by monitoring the mouse, the keyboard and the time spent at the workstation. When the…
PrintSniffer 1.0
PrintSniffer is a software that allow system administrator to monitor and control printing in their corporate network.
Lantern 3D Screensaver 1.0
This exquisite freeware screensaver picturing 3D old lantern on your desktop will charm you right away. Living in the age of electricity…

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