BpmChecker 3.0
Determine the tempo or BPM of a song or other piece of music by manually tapping along with the music, using your pc keyboard. Includes…
Calendar Pro 1.8
Calendar Pro is an application that enables the user to easily create custom photo calendars, with Calendar Pro you can create and…
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Home > Audio cd software

CD Library 1.4
CD Library is a media cataloging tool for the Windows platforms.CD Library creates catalog files of drives - CD-ROMs, hard disks, floppies…
2Dto3D RedBlue Converter 2.5.01
System for converting usual photos to stereo images, that can be viewed by means of red-blue glasses (or by means of some other device that…
MultiDom 1.1
A very fast, highly configurable domain search engine that supports multiple name queries. 200+ domain types are supported, as is the…

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