DuplicatesRemover 1.0
The DuplicatesRemover reads the data from one or multiple Excel files and examines whether there are any duplicate entries in the files. If…
System Locker 2.40
Use System Locker to restrict access to your PC. It has powerful startup and automation options, taskbar icon notification, supports audit…
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Home > Url favorites software

The Journal 4
The Journal: For your life! For your work! For you! Whatever your journaling needs, The Journal provides an easy-to-use mix of convenience…
StarcoM CD Manager 1.0
CD Manager is a great utility for easily creating browseable autorun CDs. Just select the files (images, MP3s...) you want to have on CD…
eNom Domain Grabber 1.13
eNom Domain Grabber does automated registration submissions to the registrar eNom. The user simply has to put what domain names they want…

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